VISI Magazine “Cut Out” Campaign

The problem VISI faced was that subscription ads tend to be boring, information-intensive pieces that feel disconnected from the magazines they are supposed to be selling.

Visi Magazine is the ultimate reference tool for designers, decorators, architects and anyone else who is looking for the coolest and most cutting edge stuff. So, why not use a Visi magazine to sell Visi magazines?

Our solution? Imagine you opened up what you thought was an issue of Visi, jam-packed with awesome stuff, only to discover that someone else had seen it first. Even worse, the stuff was so cool they’d actually cut out all the pictures.

All we then had to do was hijack the normal distribution chain of the magazine, placing cut-out magazines in waiting rooms, salons, design school foyers and office receptions.


Work done at NewtworkBBDO

Anna Peter’s Year of Cooking Dangerously by Katherine White


Book Cover Design


I was approached by Penguin Random House to design and illustrate the cover of Katherine White’s new book, Anna Peter’s Year of Cooking Dangerously. The book is of the “chick lit” genre and the cover needed to appeal to the market and stand out on shelf.


The first image is the final cover they approved and printed. The second image is my preferred cover design.


Here is the book synopsis:


Anna Peters has been dumped by her long-term love, Garry, and needs to figure out what to do with her broken heart. Tackling her misery by trying to cook her way back into her beau’s life, she learns a few things – like what mussels are supposed to smell like, how much she knows and doesn’t know about sirloin, and how to sidestep a consommé that’s never going to happen. She also, ahem, taste-tests a few of the eligible men who have been under her nose all along. But is Anna Peters finally ready to taste reality? Or will she burn down the kitchen before then? Full of good sex and great recipes, Anna Peters’ Year of Cooking Dangerously is a mouth-watering feast.